HR teams are adopting Humaans over Rippling

HR teams are adopting Humaans over Rippling

HR teams are adopting Humaans over Rippling

Discover the benefits of choosing Humaans for streamlined HR & people processes.

Discover the benefits of choosing Humaans for streamlined HR & people processes.

Discover the benefits of choosing Humaans for streamlined HR & people processes.


Why Leaders are trusting Humaans over Rippling?

Why Leaders are trusting Humaans over Rippling?

Deep integrations & API first

We focus on rich and deep integrations with market leading platforms. This is a core part of our DNA.

Focus on the foundation over the periphery

Whilst one-size-fits all solutions focus on breadth over depth, we believe that a powerful HRIS should sit at the intersection of data, processes and tools.

Adapts to your evolving needs

No matter what tech stack you use today, and no matter what this might look like in the future, Humaans is designed around flexibility, customisability and scalability.

Pleo scaled a hypergrowth culture and processes using Humaans

Key results:

Full flexibility of People processes at scale with a 2000% headcount increase

Saved the equivalent of one full-time employee role with Humaans’ integrations

Reduced time spend on employee holiday approvals

“Humaans is such a simple, collaborative, and forward-thinking platform. We really value the partnership we’re building together.”

Jessie Danyi

Senior People Leader, Pleo

How I am going to benefit from using Humaans?

How I am going to benefit from using Humaans?

Workflows & Automation

Workflows & Automation

Workflows & Automation

Who’s leaving next week? Who’s joining this month? Are any visas expiring soon? Don’t chase – let Humaans tell you at a glance.

Who’s leaving next week? Who’s joining this month? Are any visas expiring soon? Don’t chase – let Humaans tell you at a glance.

Who’s leaving next week? Who’s joining this month? Are any visas expiring soon? Don’t chase – let Humaans tell you at a glance.

Insights, Reporting and DE&I Analysis

Insights, Reporting and DE&I Analysis

Insights, Reporting and DE&I Analysis

Have real-time access to the insights that matter most. Learn about turnover, headcount changes, salary spend, diversity metrics, tenure, and follow time off trends in seconds. No manual work required.

Have real-time access to the insights that matter most. Learn about turnover, headcount changes, salary spend, diversity metrics, tenure, and follow time off trends in seconds. No manual work required.

Have real-time access to the insights that matter most. Learn about turnover, headcount changes, salary spend, diversity metrics, tenure, and follow time off trends in seconds. No manual work required.

Data Tables

Data Tables

Data Tables

Your people data in a central spreadsheet view. Browse, bulk edit, and manage datasets at scale. Tap into real-time data validation to ensure integrity end to end and improve compliance.

Your people data in a central spreadsheet view. Browse, bulk edit, and manage datasets at scale. Tap into real-time data validation to ensure integrity end to end and improve compliance.

Your people data in a central spreadsheet view. Browse, bulk edit, and manage datasets at scale. Tap into real-time data validation to ensure integrity end to end and improve compliance.

Headcount planning

Headcount planning

Headcount planning

Drive predictable growth and stay in control of your staff cost with Humaans Headcount Planning and Compensation Management.

Drive predictable growth and stay in control of your staff cost with Humaans Headcount Planning and Compensation Management.

Drive predictable growth and stay in control of your staff cost with Humaans Headcount Planning and Compensation Management.

Seamless HRIS Migration

Seamless HRIS Migration

Effortless Success with Humaans

Effortless Success with Humaans

Switching to a new HRIS is seamless with Humaans. We ensure your success from day one with a perfected implementation process and comprehensive support. Experience an effortless migration and achieve perfect data accuracy. Let us make your transition smooth and stress-free.

Switching to a new HRIS is seamless with Humaans. We ensure your success from day one with a perfected implementation process and comprehensive support. Experience an effortless migration and achieve perfect data accuracy. Let us make your transition smooth and stress-free.

“Humaans is a single source of truth that we know we can trust. It just works without our employees noticing it — it’s a testament to a great system.”

Rasmus Møller Sørensen

Executive Partner and Head of People and Integration, Manyone

Manyone is scaling standardised People practices during mergers and acquisitions

Key results:

Single source of truth for a growing, decentralised team

Data QA and reconciliation reduced from hours to minutes

Custom-built integrations on the Humaans API that enable Manyone to build a bespoke solution responding to their complex needs

How do I make the switch?

How do I make the switch?

See how Humaans can help you elevate your HR & People processes

See how Humaans can help you elevate your HR & People processes

Automate processes, validate data, access DE&l insights - all while collaborating with Talent, Finance & IT. Book a demo to find out more.

Best in class employee experience

Flexible plans that suit your stage of growth

Connecting all your favourite tools

Talk to our specialists to learn more

Talk to our specialists to learn more

HR software for modern People teams to onboard, manage and grow their employees.